The Dendi Project: What God Has Done

Image for The Dendi Project: What God Has Done

By the grace of God and because of your generous and faithful support, the AFM Dendi Project begun 10 years ago was successfully completed and handed over to the local Benin mission on December 17, 2016.

Local union and conference officers were present at the historical ceremony, as were AFM’s international field director, Africa field director and communication director. Local dignitaries also attended the event including the representative of the local Catholic Bishop, the Methodist pastor and the representative of the Muslim head Imam among more than 35 other special guests from various religious backgrounds. In total, more than 200 people came to the ceremony.

By the grace of God, 15 precious souls were baptized that day. Five of them were from the newly created company of Malanville in the extreme North near the borders with Niger and Nigeria.

These baptisms bring our total baptized membership at the Dendi Project to 133 in four church families. These members are predominantly from a Muslim background, and many other interests are currently studying the Bible with our evangelists.

Thank you for your prayers and support that made the Dendi Project possible.