Editorial: April 2024

Image for Editorial: April 2024

Jesus spoke in parables using scenes from everyday life, casting a spiritual net so the people could more easily relate to, remember and communicate to others His spiritual lessons.

Knowing these parables helps us to hear the Master’s voice and recognize that Jesus — Emmanuel — is God With Us, the God we can recognize, the God whose evidence we see as we walk through life.

Imagine discovering, as Uli Baur did, that you have just lived out one of Jesus’ parables (p. 12). Experiencing the truth of God’s Word — how thrilling!

Parables can also be timely reminders to persevere through difficult or drawn-out situations. What comfort, what peace to remember Jesus’ promises (John 14:26-27) when, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves back at square one (Castillo p. 46). For the peace that Jesus gives in those situations is not like that of the world, which instructs us to try and try again if, at first, we do not succeed. No, Jesus says to diligently pray to our Father, who is more faithful than an unjust judge (Luke 18:1-8) and gives greater gifts to those who diligently ask, seek and knock (Matthew 7:7-11).

Jesus’ parable in Matthew 13 reminds us to sow His Word everywhere, casting seed on all soils and watering those cast before (Williams p. 37), even to the highways and hedges, calling to the wedding feast those who have yet to be invited (Matthew 22; Wilson p. 42) and seeking for the return of His prodigal sons and daughters (Luke 15:11-32; George p. 35).

Experience the joy in heaven over a newly saved soul because you took part in Jesus’ parables.

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